Pink Lady 
Goes Gr

Gardening offers so many happy possibilities ~
We are here to help you plant a greener future 

Pink Lady Goes Green is all about making gardening as fun, sustainable, and accessible as possible. Whether you want help curating a container garden or you are looking for a complete garden makeover ~ we’ll help you begin planting a greener future.

What We LOVE …

Pollinator Gardens

Going Native? Native plants not only attract and support pollinators and wildlife, but use less water and are not as  susceptible to pests.

Kitchen Gardens

Nothing tastes better or is more fun than harvesting herbs, fruits and veggies from your potage. Start small or think big, but you’ll relish the results.

A Little Whimsy 

Gardens often reflect the personality of the gardener. Let’s make sure your garden is filled with just the right personal touch. 

Wildlife Support

Survival needs change throughout the year for wildlife. With some care and planning your yard can help the wildlife thrive. 

Edible Landscapes

Who says all the herbs, fruits and veggies need to be tucked away? Mix edibles and ornamentals as a fun way to play with colors and textures. 

Lawn Therapy

Let’s consider your lifestyle and aesthetic goals to design the landscape with just the right amount of lawn (naturally fed of course).

…And So Much More

A Little Bit About Pink Lady

Pink Lady Goes Green is the green child of a sustainable, vegetarian catering company called Pink Lady started by the PLGG founder Heather Rosenthal. With the understanding that the best food starts with the freshest, healthiest locally sourced ingredients, Heather started her first kitchen garden (and compost) more than 20 years ago.  Growing your own food lets you control not only what you plant, but how its grown and the health of the soil. 
Although the family grew and moved several times over the past two decades, one of the first “renovations” was always getting the potager started. Sometimes it was limited to a container with culinary herbs, while other times it grew much larger depending on space and time.

With experience grew the understanding that great kitchen gardens need more than healthy soil and sunshine; they also require a supporting ecosystem of pollinators and wildlife to thrive. And that is where we are today ~ healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people, healthy planet.

Here are a few photos from the archives. The sweet garden pup in the first picture is Rosalita, who was adopted 18 years later from the same shelter as her doppelganger Sadie pictured in the last photograph. 

Pollinator Garden (2021)

Spring Arugula Harvest (2011)

Summer Harvest Begins (2011)

First Kitchen Garden Back in NJ (2001)

Request a Sustainability Check-Up
or Garden Consult Today!

Thank you for contacting Pink Lady Goes Green

We look forward to going green together!